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Thank you again, WwkVoter, for voicing the exact sentiment that thousands of honest, taxpaying voters know about the make-believe mayor and will base their decision upon next week when they overwhelmingly reject his candidacy.

Take this statement, which at best can be termed as misleading: "If you don't accept those numbers, I don't care. They were accurate."

First, the statement was not that I don't accept his fake numbers -- it is that the Beacon writer, in the article above, shows them to be false. My statement, therefore, was true.

And saying his numbers "were" accurate when he first invented them two years ago only compounds his attempt to fool voters -- because, as I'm sure you know from the factual information being presented to him time and again, those numbers were not correct then, and they are not correct now.

Whatever he claims about showing information to John Howell, it does not somehow make his claim true.

It is not. Right up until the last day, he is trying to lie to people.

And he just keeps proving that's his intent, by repeating this pile of falsehoods:

"[T]hey all credited me (in varying degrees) for getting the taxpayers to demand that their elected officials 'just say NO' to any new tax requests, and... they did. 29 times!"

This is a lie. No city councilor ever said the make-believe mayor was responsible for their vote in FY18 to raise the tax collection rate to paper over the $6.5 million in increase spending -- which failed. And those 29 votes were not on "new tax requests," they were amendments submitted and passed by the city council to reduce the budget by $750,000.

All of this information has been presented to the make-believe mayor, and he just keeps repeating his lies.

"They must be a whole lot smarter than you Mark."

The make-believe mayor suggests that he knows the person who is using this screen name. He is wrong, and repeating his claim does not make it any less false.

As you say WwkVoter, next week is approaching quickly -- along with the end of the make-believe mayor's candidacy.

From: Corrente, Carbone face off in mayoral forum

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