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Dear readers,

Let's look at the positive side. The right people are now involved. Finally. As much as I disagree with Joe Solomon about other matters, he does have a degree in accounting and he is an attorney. He should be able to decipher the pros and cons of the so-called independent audit. What he does next will be telling. Having an attorney, Steve Merolla, as City Council President also involved helps.

I maintain that the present "independent" audit is anything BUT independent. I will be looking to see the results of this meeting and I applaud the efforts of all involved so far. They are working on a solution. That's step one.

Dear CrickeeRaven,

You're right that it is refreshing to see the actual leaders expressing their intention. Avedisian's administration had a "hands-off" policy. For the record, I would have done the same thing Solomon is presently doing. Communication.

Dear SCOT63,

Thank you for your supportive comment.

CrickeeRaven chose a name that is a combination of a cricket and a raven. Doesn't that decision speak volumes as to the kind of person he/she is? You chose "SCOTT". I'll bet that's your name. I chose "Richard Corrente" because I want to be completely clear as to who I am. CrickeeRaven hides behind a very warped, bizarre fake name. That action speaks for itself. Loudly.

Thanks again SCOT.

Happy Autumn everyone.

Rick Corrente

From: 'Productive' meeting, say schools, city

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