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Dear Readers,

Don't believe Rob Cote. He lies.

From his statement 7 or 8 years ago that he was "moving out of Warwick", to the false and slanderous claim he made that my car "mysteriously disappeared from the City records for three years." Cote has proven himself, over and over, to be completely dishonest. He states his opinion as fact and his "facts" are either wildly overstated or just blatantly made up.

In my case, I called the Tax Collectors office and spoke to Kim Barbato (738-2000 X 1) who sent me ten years of absolute proof that my car has ALWAYS been on the City records, proving Cote to be a blatant liar. A month after I printed this proof in the Beacon, I called her again to see if anyone had notified her to confirm or dispute my "proof". To no surprise, NO ONE HAD CALLED! Cote didn't NEED to call and verify my car registration. He already KNEW he was lying. He lies. And I'll bet he's doing it again, so when he says records "mysteriously disappeared" don't believe it! That is EXACTLY what he said about my car registration! Wait for an INDEPENDENT, third party CPA firm to tell us the real story. Kudos to the City Council for hiring this CPA firm to prove, once and for all, who is telling the truth. My money is on the Warwick Fire Department. Anyone who wants to bet me, I'll give great odds too. (all proceeds would have to go to charity though)

A far as the Fire Department? They have a system in place and ANYONE who works in a system will try to make it work to THEIR best interest. I would. If the Firefighters system needs to be tweaked, then I'm sure the mayor, the City Council and the Fire Department WILL tweak it. The CPA firm will certainly provide much more unbiased help than Mr. Cote's lies. Won't they. And if and when there study shows that Cote is lying, he should be sued by the City for costing the taxpayers so much money from all his thousands of documents he keeps demanding.

Happy Autumn everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Firefighters hire accountant to review sick pay

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