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"this issue sounds like someone is trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill." The side deal has cost the taxpayers of Warwick (all 80,000 of them according to your nonsensical numbers) an estimated $250,000 and you still think this "side deal" is legit? That number is just an estimate from 2015-2017 and you can add another 6 months onto it now.If this was happening 4 years ago it would be you shouting out to everyone how Avedesian made a bad deal for the city. The former administration, FD and union all tried a game of smoke and mirrors and you sit there an say that it is a mountain out of a mole hill?

All this time both Block and Cote have been trying to show that what was going on was not legal. They have been hit by all sides and no real benefit coming from putting themselves in the line of fire. Of course Block didn't call it in himself. If he did and the FD is blameless they would have produced the documents. As if these types of tactics haven't been used by other departments before. It is straight out of a union playbook. The same union you seem to want to cozy up to. Are you thinking that they will back you when you try for a 3rd unsuccessful run at mayor? It is reminiscent of your past 4 years of trying to get the Warwick Teachers union to support you. That didn't turn out exactly as planned, now did it?

You have certainly shown me that age doesn't always equal wisdom.

From: Invalid deal among new allegations against fire dept.

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