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Great article!

However, the part that says "Mayor Avedisian surprised everyone with his decision to leave" never surprised me. I spent $40,000 of my own money, never accepted a dime from Political Action Committees, received a respectable 14,000+ votes and actually WAS the "party's standard-bearer when Avedisian appeared unbeatable and the Democratic heavyweights dared not challenge him."

That was a proud accomplishment considering I was a complete unknown when I decided to run. It probably gave Avedisian the "message-on-the-wall" that he needed to hear.

Today I agree that Solomon is an upgrade from Avedisian who showed me he didn't care enough about his own party to campaign more than a few moments for their parties biggest candidate. The upcoming City Council and School Committee also appear to be the best this century.

I still have serious issues with Joe giving himself (and a select few political insiders) what appears to be a MASSIVE tax reduction on his many pieces of real estate. (It's not mathematically possible for his car dealership at 1129 West Shore Rd. to be valued LESS than he purchased it for, 29 YEARS AGO!!) ALL of Joe Solomons properties need to be looked into because many have MASSIVE tax assessment reductions! That CAN'T be just ONE HUGE COINCIDENCE. Many people have told me they feel he is stealing from the taxpayers. I didn't disagree.

My vote will remain private, but whoever gets elected, please remember; I'll be watching. I'll give sincere credit where credit is due and constructive criticism where criticism is due.

Please remember one more thing. I saved all my signs. 2020 is only 24 months away and I'm not afraid to run, even if you "appear unbeatable." The 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab deserve better than they are getting. If you give them a better Warwick, I will support you . If not, I will be ready to serve them. My team and I are already in the preparation stage.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Civil contest for city's top seat

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