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What Corrente really means,

There are a lot of SQUIRRELS that approach me EVERY DAY that would disagree with you. I admit that I am probably not YOUR Mayor (not sure how I could maybe a Mayor, when I am not but anyways....). I represent "Cut Taxes - Cut Spending" which you obviously disagree with (as I pushed for teachers raises and tax credits to new residents). You must be on the receiving end of the tax dollars. Why else would you be afraid of being identified? Stay in the shadows WwkVoter, like your being watch by a hawk.

I'm Not the Mayor of anyone... I AM the "Mayor" in my own head and to all the squirrels and birds of Warwick that are paying the "tab"

Happy Day

Happy 12:32

Rick Corrente

The Squirrels Mayor

From: Video: 2018 Warwick School Committee Forum

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