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I apologize for not explaining what I meant, I know that the bond can’t be used for benefits and salaries. I meant that if Richard was against the bond for school repairs where in the budget would he cut to replace what the bond would’ve. (Infrastructure repairs, HVAC etc...).

Again I apologize, now that I have a little one at home who turns 2 in a few weeks her future is in the hands of people who have nothing vested. It’s extremely disappointing to feel that the fate of her future education is in the hands of people who don’t have a child, live with mom and dad still or aren’t employed.

We also need to replace the City Wide Seats and District Seats with Ward Seats. We have 9 Councilmembers that determining our City Budget, We should DEFINITELY have 9 elected School Committee members representing each ward. It’s crazy to think that 3 people can determine how $160,000,000 is spent.

I suggested it back in 2016 and will try again to get some traction with it...

Just my thoughts

From: Schools to report unexpected surplus

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