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Corrente is spinning his uninformed delusions is a slightly different way lately, by attaching platitudes to his BS. Simply put, fake, transparent platitudes dont make any more true such bogus pedestrian statements such as "little or no accountability". He's been corrected on that nonsense numerous times yet seems deaf to any statement that attempts to break him out of his delusional rants.

Again, our school department answers to RIDE, US Dept of Education, the city council (for overall total and any questions that come along with approving that), as well as legally bound professional outside auditors, and finally, to the voters through the school committee.

Do things (like the LaPlante fiasco) get through the net? Yes, but that doesnt mean there is "little or no accountability". After all, LaPlante was caught by the then-new Thornton administration.

Happy Correcting Corrente Month everybody!

From: Schools to report unexpected surplus

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