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WwkVoter, that was hilarious.

And Scal, as usual you very correctly cut right though the fog of the two-time election reject's statements and expose the truth about his past behavior and contradictory comments. I wonder, do you recall what the chairman of his own party said after the candidates first declared for mayor, setting up the Democratic primary? “We know [the two-time election reject] ; we have complete confidence in Joe Solomon.”

Notice, it wasn't "we expect a competitive primary," or "I look forward to hearing the candidates make their cases to the voters."

From the beginning, the two-time election reject was not supported by his party. The primary on Sept. 12 proved it, overwhelmingly -- he wasn't even enough of a "distraction" to earn 18 percent of the vote.

And so, yet again, we see the level of delusion that is willingly shown by the two-time election reject -- and like you, I wonder whether he will ever be truly aware of how badly he has disgraced himself.

From: Campaigning down to the wire

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