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Dear Cat2222,

I HAVE corrected the records and you, and all the others have those facts and even the contact lady at the Tax Collectors office to call to verify. (Kim Barbato 738-2000 ext. 1) Don't blame me if you choose to believe the "fake news". That's your problem. If you choose to repeat it, that shows a complete lack of integrity and honesty. Again, your problem. I exposed it as a lie several times. But, just for you, send me a neutral e-mail address OR send someone to my office (1609 Warwick Ave.) and I will give you all the proof you need to know that my car was never unregistered or taxes unpaid for ANY period. I will also give you, as a bonus, the entire escrow analysis of my investment property at 1115 Greenwich Ave. showing ZERO late payments for over 15 years and actually had a $418.88 overage which they sent back to me!!! I have a copy of the check. The money was spent with a smile on my face. Lastly I will show you (NOT give you) a copy of my credit report. It shows no bankruptcy as Rob Cote says, no late payments on ANYTHING, and my score is over 700. How's that? "Valid" enough Cat2222?

Happy Thanksgiving Cat2222.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Election time is over, collaboration time begins

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