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Dear MisterP,

Your comments are perfect. I couldn't have said it better.

This new School Committee will NOT, in my opinion, be controlled by the unions. They will, however, have a real focus on the well-being of the students. In my opinion, the students haven't come first for ten years or more. I honestly believe that now, they finally will, and that benefits everyone, including the "80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab".

Also, for years I have recommended a "Home Rule Charter" to keep the School Committee from taking advantage of the taxpayers, but Bob_Cushman has an even better idea. Having the School Committee's labor agreement ratified by the City Council ("just like any labor agreement") gives Warwick taxpayers the same protection of "checks and balances" showing, once again, that Cushman is one of the most intelligent people in Warwick. Smart idea. Smart man.

Happy Thanksgiving Bob.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: New blood takes over Warwick School Committee

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