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Watch out, Mike, the two-time election reject might start calling you "cowardly" and attacking you for using a screen name.

As you've seen, though, that hasn't stopped the rest of us from presenting the facts about him -- as I'm sure it will not stop you.

What's most pathetic to me -- and there is a long, long list of pathetic things about him -- is that he will write a long-winded comment that amounts to, basically, nothing.

"Go to Zillow." "Ask any realtor."

Those are his answers when confronted with public information and basic logic.

"My critics use screen names."

That's his answer when his words have been completely disproven by that information.

"They're cowards."

That's his answer when he won't clearly answer for his own repeated lies (because he can't).

His fake title is his way of giving himself some kind of credibility -- which, as you rightly note, is absurd.

I do appreciate your suggestion about people giving themselves titles, but I think it's far more effective to leave the two-time election reject to willingly humiliate himself through his disgraceful behavior. It's just one more way that he's proven the contrast between him and our honest, taxpaying neighbors.

From: 3 restaurants announce closures over Thanksgiving weekend

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