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Justanidiot, I'm sure you see the glaring defects with the two-time election reject's statements, beyond his continued shameless pandering toward the teachers union.

"The teachers went through over two years of agony, not knowing if they had a job from one day to the next, with a Mayor and a School Department that refused to even sit at a negotiation table."

First, there are the very obvious lies: "two years of agony, not knowing if they had a job from one day to the next..."

As we know, the teachers declared work-to-rule in 2016, marched outside City Hall, and conducted sick-outs that were later ruled by a judge to be illegal strikes. At no point did they seem to be in "agony."

Also, there was never any discussion or suggestion about mass firings. Except for the increased number of layoffs that the school committee can now make -- which is something the teachers union accepted -- there was no danger of teachers losing their jobs, or even having their jobs threatened.

This is another case where the two-time election reject is making things up.

His statement about "a Mayor and a School Department that refused to even sit at a negotiation table" is likewise a blatant lie.

We know that Vincent Ragosta reported at least 25 meetings between city and school officials, including Mayor Avedisian, that concluded with a late-night agreement being signed in the mayor's office.

His continued attempts at bashing the former mayor are more of the same pathetic and disgraceful behavior that he has willingly and repeatedly shown through his comments on this website.

Honest, taxpaying voters will enjoy their winter holidays, happy in the knowledge that we kept the two-time election reject from having any impact or effect whatsoever on anything that happens in Warwick.

From: Can new tests unite state towards higher goals?

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