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"If ANY money comes INTO Warwick as with these Champlin Foundation Grants, That's LESS money the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab...have to pay!"

The two-time election reject is engaging in "moving the goalposts."

His original point was: "Two million in Champlin Grants means two million dollars less from the Warwick taxpayers."

It was proven that the bulk of that money is going to projects and organizations that are not funded with property or other taxes from Warwick, and now the two-time election reject is arguing that he was actually correct, by changing his statement after the fact.

His attempts to fool voters will fail, as have his ill-conceived campaigns.

"CricickeeRaven even knows that I have never reached out to Mark Carruolo. He's right of course. I haven't. How in the world CrickeeRaven would POSSIBLY know that is a mystery..."

Here's how the two-time election reject proved that he never called the person he wrongly suspects of using this screen name, while engaging in juvenile name-calling and false accusations:

He said so: "I haven't."

Contrary to his delusional beliefs, it took no special knowledge or inside information to know this -- his own behavior, which included offering no proof to support his claim and exhibiting an unhealthy obsession with a city staffer who left in 2014, was enough confirmation that he had never reached Mr. Carruolo.

Had he done so, he would have learned how wrong he is.

And then, he confirmed, himself, in his own words, that he never called Mr. Carruolo.

Finally, the two-time election reject tells the truth about himself:

"He lied."

Honest, taxpaying voters will enjoy their winter holidays, independent of the two-time election reject's hollow wishes and make-believe title, happy in the knowledge that we kept him far away from elected office.

From: Champlin grants 13 city non-profits $2 million

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