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Dear Readers,

"Goodjake" said to watch a "youtube" video so I did. It shows a video taken by Rob Cote o March 7th, 2017 alone in his car while driving (hey, isn't that illegal?) of the Warwick Firefighters enjoying a March 7th, 2017 "Pancake Day". Don't know why eating pancakes was so offensive to Mr. Cote's fragile sensibilities, but you will notice that he videoed it on March 7, 2017 and as he spans his cell phone you can clearly read his inspection sticker that expired on "02/17".

Here is a guy that finds wrongdoing in the firefighters eating pancakes but doesn't feel he needs to have his car inspected on time. He was just as bad filing his corporate papers for his now-defunct "Capt. Rob Cote's Pro Divers, Inc." Between 1996 and 2013, he was served 13 revocations from the Secretary of States office THIRTEEN!

Maybe that is a gigantic misprint. Maybe.

A retail business depends on customers that want Mr. Cote to teach them. They didn't.

Merry Christmas everyone.


From: Ruggiero out as City Solicitor

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