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You said it, Justanidiot. Give the two-time election reject enough time, and he'll contradict himself again.

It's also telling, don't you think, that he talks about holding the administration accountable after three years of giving the WTU a pass on their work-to-rule, pickets, and illegal sickouts -- and accusing the school committee of extortion and blackmail?

Cat, you made the correct point, that there is no reason to celebrate or commend the new school committee members until they actually start serving in their elected offices.

There is also no reason to expect the WTU to do anything different from its prior tactics or seek anything except another expensive contract [which the two-time election reject will no doubt vocally support, while blaming the school committee for requesting more money from the city to pay for it].

Ultimately, the two-time election reject's double-speak and union pandering mean nothing and will have no effect on the new composition of the school committee, something that honest, taxpaying voters ensured with our 100% correct decision to reject his candidacy twice.

From: 2019 will bring big changes to school committee

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