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Dear Ben Dover,

You stated, in all capital letters no less, "YOU ARE NOT DEALING WITH AN INSURANCE COMPANY".

I looked up The Now, I don't want you to believe that I don't trust you even though you insult and attack me without having the courage to use your real name, but I just don't trust you. So I looked up the website.

I know.

I should have just taken you at your word but you just lie so often that I couldn't.

I looked it up (I invite all readers to do the same) and do you know what? THEY (please forgive the use of capital letters) say?

THEY (damn it. I did it again) say that their industry is "Insurance".

THEY say "The company's line of business includes providing insurance agent and broker services for a range of insurance types."

Hey Ben. Doesn't that mean they are some sort of; you know; insurance company??

Shouldn't Solomon decide to sue them if they don't give Warwick a fair settlement??

Shouldn't that benefit the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab??

Shouldn't you; you know; learn to think first, and speak second??

Shouldn't you Ben??


Hey, Happy Valentines anyway Benny Boy.

Happy Valentines everyone.

Rick Corrente

From: Solomon: ‘Annex toast,’ set to sue for insurance

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