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Dear Cat,

I accept your "let's be honest with one another, shall we?"challenge.

First, my honest name is Richard Corrente. What's yours?

Second, I represent the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab. The fact that I do it voluntarily, without getting paid, doesn't change my commitment to them. What have you ever done for their benefit? Anything?

Third, no fantasy world, no play acting on my part. How about your part? Anything to take credit for? Anything at all?

Lastly, my "own reality" was to see a wrong and spend $40,000 of my own money and 700+ days of my life correcting it. You might disagree with me as to the results. I stopped Avedisian from doing to this City what he had done for over 18 years. By the way, what, if anything have you done for the taxpayers? Anything?? Any money spent? No? Not even a dime? Any time spent? No? Any campaign for any special cause? No? Anything? Have you EVER done ANYTHING for the benefit of even ONE taxpayer? If you have, let's hear it. If not, could you please lighten up on me. I've done kind of a lot.

When Avedisian tried to add 29 tax-increasing amendments to the 2017 budget the City Council unanimously told him "No" for the first time THIS CENTURY. EVERY COUNCIL MEMBER told me, my campaign of "Cut Taxes - Cut Spending" was repeated to them loud and clear from their constituents. I say it was my efforts that caused that vote. You can just call it one gigantic coincidence if you like. That, in my opinion, would honestly be the REAL fantasy world.

So, my new, about-to-get-honest friend...what's your honest name?

Happy Valentines Cat, or Cat2222, or whatever your honest name is.

Happy Valentines everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: City offices could be in Buttonwoods by next month

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