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Dear PaulHuff,

I appreciate your kind and sincere request. 13 months ago I received by regular mail, by certified mail and also by an unannounced visit to my office from some of the Mayors people threatening to fine me $500 a day if I didn't take that sign down. I went to the ACLU and they sent a lawyers letter to the City reminding them that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution allows that sign. They also reminded the City that the matter went to court about eight years ago and Warwick not only lost but they were court-ordered to take that unconstitutional zoning ordinance off the books. They didn't.

But they rescinded the illegal demand so I let the matter drop. Court action would have only cost the taxpayers.

(Here's where it gets good!)

Recently (January 2019) they did it again! I sent them a courtesy letter reminding them of what happened a year ago and commented that "Unless the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was revised without my knowledge, the City of Warwick can't possibly win this battle that will be looked upon as purely political."

I say "courtesy letter" because I have no desire to fight them, but if we have to fight, I'll win.

Because your comment was kind and sincere, I will tell you the outcome first.

Happy Valentines PaulHuff.

Happy Valentines everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: City offices could be in Buttonwoods by next month

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