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Dear readers ,

My experiences with AAA have all been excellent. Their road service has been a fair amount of time. I'm guessing that there was a longer-than-usual amount of motorists is front of Cat.

Their car loans are fantastic. I have used them many times for many cars. My mortgage company got a MUCH lower rate from AAA than we got from the bank we did millions of dollars of business with. And the kicker is... they got the loan from the very same bank! AAA gets a quantity discount that they pass on to the consumer. I believe that everyone should have AAA, even when there is another service available. Cat wisely went with the faster service but it's good that she had 2 to choose from. I will welcome there presence at the new (old) sawtooth building. It should accommodate a much larger workforce, many of which will come from Warwick. I'll bet that now that I have mentioned it, the ever-open-minded Cat won't resist visiting them either.

Happy Valentines everyone.


Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: AAA's big plans for Apponaug's saw tooth building

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