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There is a system in place.

There always has been.

In the past, under former Mayor Scott Avedisian, the system was vague and unclear, so it was defined and redefined on a weekly basis. No current member of the City Council or the WFD is to blame for this but today, we have a better City Council, a better Chief-of-Staff, and a better Mayor. We also have intelligent union leaders, as we always have had, that deeply care about their union brothers and sisters as well as the taxpayers. The new "system" has clearer language, greater transparency, and guidelines that are far less misunderstood. The result should be fair treatment to everyone. A lot of people from both side have dedicated a lot of hours to this. We all owe them a great debt of thanks.

Happy Valentines everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Council denies funds for redundant firefighter medical exams

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