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There is no excuse for unwanted pregnancies anymore if people are acting responsibly. And as far as being for the life of The Mother, we are not in the dark ages and that just that never happens anymore so this is just an excuse to continue to kill babies and use abortion as birth control. A country is only as strong as its weakest citizens so we are barbaric the way we're still killing babies. And the only reason this is all being done is afraid to overturn Roe v Wade. I understand we want that as an option in the beginning months but we do not want it in the ending months in on live babies like it's happening here now. But we will all have to answer to God in the end if we continue to kill babies. You know we have to think of the Future too because in China years ago, they killed all female babies and guess what happened? The guys grew up with no women to marry so we need to start thinking ahead of not having the Next Generation when we are at the lowest of birth rates right now. We will be punished for all this killing of babies.

From: The Abortion bill and hope in Rhode Island

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