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Jimmy, I'm sorry, but this isn't a matter of us having different opinions.

You say "we would know" about an FBI investigation -- and then dismiss the top two city officials saying that there is one.

You haven't provided any support for saying there's no investigation (except that no one has seen FBI agents at City Hall), while the mayor and council president have confirmed that there is.

Please don't misinterpret what I'm saying -- I share your doubts about Solomon and Merolla, I agree that they have an ax to grind with Avedisian, and I agree that it's influencing their behavior.

But that doesn't mean they're lying about the FBI. If anything, their recent statements suggest that they want as much ammunition against Avedisian as they can get (for what reason, I still don't understand), and seem to think that having a federal investigation harms him and helps them.

And to be honest, I would rather not have the feds crawling all over City Hall looking at possibly illegal contract side-deals -- but there's apparently a legitimate reason for them to be investigating potential crimes.

From: Mayor to make budget process more inclusive

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