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WRONG WRONG WRONG! You will end up creating a bigger problem...401K pension funds have done outstanding in the last 2+ years after flat lining for 8...How have our municipal and state pension funds done in the last 2 years? Who are the fund managers? How have they performed on rate of return? Raiding pension funds is such a breech of financial trust and responsibility it should be criminal. This is not the way to go.

The other side of the coin to all of this is this insane legislation being passed, thanks in part to the Warwick delegation at the Smith Hill casino that makes all of this financial mess worse for cities and towns. If you are not careful, you will back Mayor's (excluding Jabba the Hut who is engaged in parlor games) and town managers to as a group file chapter 9...Then what? You most certainly get a haircut, just like Central falls.

These are YOUR elected officials who have created this mess over decades while telling you the Titanic is unsinkable...Raiding pension money...crazy! The State is a mess, go after the judges pension fund, how you like them apples?

From: Mediator recommends using WISE pension funds to close school budget gap

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