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I think one thing should be clear. A child should not be punished for their parents actions. We have a lot of families in this state that are not able to provide meals for their children despite working 1 or 2 jobs.

In NK, they have a program called Blessings in a Backpack. It is donated food that goes home with with the student to ensure they have something to eat for dinner or over the weekend. These are children that are already being provided with free meals from the school. For some kids, the only meals they have are what is provided for them by their town/city/state. It isn't something that we should take lightly. As was stated in this article, a high percentage of the debt is not the a la carte items so can we now move on to working on the real problem? People have generously donated enough money to cover the debt and this gives us time to come up with solutions.

Honestly, if you are the ones complaining about how you do the right thing and get nothing out of it, you should be counting your blessings instead of whining. You are one of the lucky ones that have found good employment and make enough money to provide for your family. I work 1 full time job and 2 part time jobs and still struggle to make ends meet. If I had kids in the school system, I would be so grateful for the help to make sure my child isn't going hungry.

There is a lack of compassion for your neighbor when you are upset that money is being used to help others when you don't even need the help yourself. Go home, hug your family and be thankful that you are able to eat tonight. Let us all be kind and generous because there is just too little of that in the world today.

Donate and volunteer. It will open your eyes to just how many people need help in this state. You will walk away feeling humbled and blessed all at the same time.

From: $150K donated to solve lunch debts

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