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Here comes the fear mongering from Bachus. Karen didn't seem too concerned about school sports or other programs when she voted to approve over $4 million in raises (which is a large part of the $7+ million debt that exists.) If we are truly at the point where we can't afford these programs why are raises being given to ANYONE right now? Something has to change and shame on every member of the Council and MOST members of the school committee (atleast Dave Testa doesn't spin us) for the mess we are in today. Before the "anti teacher" remarks come out I have teachers in my immediate family and I believe they do a great job as most teachers are there for the right reasons. This however, comes down to affordability. The school system is broken. Schools are closing and the budget hole seems to be growing larger every year. We're never going to get on the right track unless major changes occur. As things stand today I would NOT put my child in the Warwick School System, something I would've never envisioned as I was growing up in the school system myself.

Its funny, there weren't any "sickouts" this school year. Glad to see the school system as a whole is feeling much healthier. It's amazing what a raise will do for the immune system...even though it wasn't about the money, right? It was about what was in the best interest of the "students", I believe they said. Here we are 1 year later and while employees are getting ready to collect over $4 million in raises, the students have to wonder whether or not their favorite sport will be cut, or whether that after school program they love will be there next year, or whether or not they will ever attend another field trip for the rest of their school careers. The only message being sent to students is spare your tears and your hurt feelings kids, after all the teachers are doing it for you!

From: School sports on chopping block

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