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Cat, exactly

John Stark, Everything you said is true, but add:

The lack of a line item veto means RI will always have a weak Governor. Senate President & Speaker of the House are never going to let that happen.

Legislative Grants serve as bribes to get politicians re-elected. Think of the approx 5,000 voters in the Speakers district get $250,000 in LG's, while districts with GOP Representatives & Senators get little or more likely nothing.

The electorate needs to demand a change from their elected politicians or support politicians that run against them. Do you think anyone in President Ruggerio's district is going to run against him. The guy ran the laborers union for Decades. Because our elected members of the Senate support Ruggerio, we have a guy that is loyal to the unions over the rest of the state.

MyTwoCents, Yes, CNBC has a grudge against Rhode Island. You probably believe Johns Hopkins Institute for Education Policy hates public schools, but especially Providence public schools.

From: Study: RI worst state to start a business

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