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I have a debt of gratitude for all the men and women that served and currently serve in our armed forces. They have made a choice to fight on our behalf and protect our freedom. However, that freedom is not contingent on all being of the same mindset. We are afforded the privilege to have freedom of speech and freedom of the press. In your letter, it appears as if you are condemning others from exercising those freedoms based solely on the fact that you don’t agree with their opinion.

You are entitled to your opinion about Trump. I am certain that you are well aware that you cannot speak for ALL service men or ALL citizens, so to think that it is an outrage to have a dissenting viewpoint in the Beacon is VERY UnAmericana of you. If the Beacon is truly “ours” then that means everyone should have the opportunity to express their opinion. Not just those that fall in line with your ideology.

There are many things I see, hear, read daily that I don’t agree with. My viewpoint does not negate another’s. My opinion is not the only right one. I am more than willing to hear what other people have to say even if I don’t agree with it because it is what makes us think. Without it, we live in an echo chamber and only hear our own voices bouncing back.

From: Unworthy 'political attacks'

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