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Only way to stop it is to speak up about it like anything else.... Cranston was able to stop the panhandling... It's also a republican run City. I'm actually surprised the people of Warwick are allowing this. It's a shame that homelessness has become such a huge issue in Rhode island and ways to get the help, i.e. shelters, councilors and outlets to help are underfunded, and access is backed up..... It's funny how this state cannot take care of basic functionality.... Non binary licences, giving illegals more access to entitlements, sanctuary state... All the lack of Rhode island priority all takes precedence over it's own citizens.... Ask yourself this why is it an illegal can get an ebt, license, housing all before natural born citizens.????? Yet here we are with citizens creating tent was just a matter of time before Rhode island actually started to show just how much it is a third world country compared to the rest of the states.

From: Unwanted new neighbors

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