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Follow the money. It was stated : “Thornton said the next step is to update the math curriculum at the full high school level”. So here we see the Eternally Evolving “curriculum”, for something (math) that is actually very constant. This means you always need to be buying new books, new teaching materials, and updated training. A never ending cycle, and essentially a sham designed less to benefit the students, and more to benefit those at the receiving end of the revenue stream. I recall student experiences from the Warwick public schools, from when I attended. This was pre- “common core”, and at a time when computers were slightly more novel, though we were introduced to computer programming also, which came with certain math courses. If student performance is now going down the drain, then what’s really wrong with the curriculum, such that it continually needs an “update” ? Is “common core” just a forever-moving target, providing a more sophisticated cover for this sham ?

From: Low SAT scores put curriculum in focus

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