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For anyone who'd like to see real reforms in City Government you have to be disappointed in the faces of this movement. I don't trust a word out of Merolla's mouth. Too often has he tried painting himself in a positive light, even though he's just as responsible for this mess as anyone else. It's been too little, too late from Merolla. Rob Cote, again, launches juvenile insults at anyone he disagrees with. Sure, the cheap shots fly back and forth around here but Rob when you are trying to educate the public and gain support for your ideas, I would think you'd learn by now likeability goes a long way. There is a reason after all this time you are largely ignored by most of the public. You feed into it each and every time by hurling insults, insulting others intelligence and talking down to people. Not exactly welcoming to other people. Rob, it is a fair question to ask you what happened to that FBI investigation you spoke of? That is a heavy charge and one you mostly haven't commented on in some time. To be fair, were you misled, given bad information or were you lobbing accusations without facts?

There are plenty of people, myself included, who truly believe the WFD does an excellent job! You can believe they do an excellent job AND still wonder if our city can afford to stay the course on pensions and health care. It does not mean you think they're doing a bad job, it doesn't mean you dislike them or want them out of a job, it comes down to long term affordability and that is a valid question. The problem with Cote is every time he throws insults, calls someone a thug, makes UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIMS in the comment section about Seniors not being allowed into the Council Meeting by "a man in a blue sweatshirt" , it undermines those who truly want to see the city improve in anyway it can. Tone deaf would be a giant understatement.

What ends up happening is rather than talking about whether this contract is any good, why it is good, how it could improve, whether its being rushed etc we end up arguing over whether some guy stood outside the Council Meeting and turned others away. Meanwhile, it gets easier for the Unions to label Cote as part of a certain fringe and he continues to play right into that narrative. Rinse. Repeat!

From: Firefighter pact to make for 'hot' council vote

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