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Mccallister takes money from WFD Union. He is liar, and just trying to make people think he actually thought about this. He was one of the 5 council people that went behind the back of the Council President and his colleague the chairman of the finance committee, and had them served by a constable to attend a special meeting on Friday before christmas. Who paid for the service of these council members, the taxpayers? Instead of just making a phone call. He wasn't even smart enough to have himself served, which violated the law, and forced his 4 cohorts on Council, the Mayor, and ALL his friends on the WFD to wait more than 2 weeks to jam this joke of a contract down the taxpayers throats. DOPE!

I say to all in City ... REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER.

Throw out Solomon, Howe, Mccallister, Travis, Sinapi, and McElroy! Any idiots can do a better job for Warwick and its taxpayers!

From: Vote on firefighter contract outlined

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