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No elected official should take contributions from any employee that works for them, or any organization that they are involved with deciding contracts for. It doesn't matter to me if it is legal to do it. The appearance of impropriety should mean something to these so-called leaders of the community. Even if it is "legal", it is wrong. Period. The five corrupt, bought and paid for Council members that pushed through this sham WFD contract should be ashamed of themselves. In three meetings about the contract THEY ASKED NO LEGITIMATE QUESTIONS. Even when legitimate issues, and problems, were brought to their attention THEY ASKED NOTHING. That is just disgusting. It doesn't take much intelligence to realize that the 5 had their minds made up already AND NO FACTS WOULD HAVE CHANGED THEIR MINDS. REALLY SAD SITUATION. Now, the voters will have a chance to do likewise.

REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER AND VOTE OUT MAYOR SOLOMON, AND HIS 5 CLOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS ....HOWE, MCCALLISTER, TRAVIS, SINAPI, AND sleepy McELROY (never heard him speak at any meeting I've attended since he was elected)... They all need to go people, NOW, or get ready for supplemental taxes being demanded next, because 4%, the maximum yearly tax increases by law, WILL NOT BE ENOUGH !

From: Vote on firefighter contract outlined

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