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I have studied the reasons for failure of medicine since 2001. Long discussion is found in my website

In one article, we provide a concise summary of the root causes of the failure to find cures for chronic diseases, cancer, lung infections, and mental diseases. We attributed to the failure to population-based medicine, reductionist model, separation of body from mind, and binary disease classification as the root causes of failure. Those problems imply that solutions to all challenging health problems lie in health optimization engineering, which is a science-based version of mind-body holistic medicine. We explore new infrastructures required to practice personalized medicine. Ultimate successful solutions to the whelming global health problems require abandoning the population-based treatment protocols, limiting uses of synthetic drugs, dissemination of true-science based health knowledge, and problem-solving tools that enable people to identify their health problems and adjust their lifestyles in an accuracy better than arbitrary amounts set by subjective opinions. See full article on

From: Multistate compact offers new hope for cures

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