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Mr. Palazzo has a valid concern. I'm around his age group. I've been fighting all government on many matters for a long time. It's sad to say, but these upcoming generations of people don't care. All they care about is what they can get for free. He's right about that train leaving the station. In a way, we do deserve the government we have. After 2001, came the Patriot Act and the iPhone. The iPhone became and still is one of the many reasons we have the government we have today. "We the people" literally gave our right's away of our own free will. The amendments to the Patriot Act will have you thinking just what we gave up by getting an app here, an app there, an app for almost anything you'll ever need but your freedom. ThePatriot Act should be required readings in our schools. What's left of our schools. It's very hard to fight City Hall with 2 people and expecting to win. That window is closing fast. Shut the front door and wake up people! We should all have the passion that Mr. Palazzo has. Thank you, sir, for your service and duty to you and our country.

From: Transparency by our Town Council? I think not!

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