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I must agree with the Mayor, and the city emplyees pension administrators, that something must be done to check on and control disability pensions. It is a kown fact that there are those who have taken advantage of the system.and are not disabled to the point where they cannot work at other less strenuous jobs within the police and fire departments.However, the tax payers must take into consideration that the people on disability pensions had applied for their pensions and were granted the pensions by the Board Of Public Saftey, upon application. So who is to blame for the mess the city is in with the disability pensions. Not the members receiving the pensions but those administrators who nonchalantly allowed them to take place without sufficiant investigation of each case.I am certain that under the current administration there is more investigations conducted on applicatons for disibility pensions. How does the old saying go ?" We close the door after the horse is out of the barn." It appears that that is exactly what has taken place over the years. Of course if offered there are those who will take advantage of the situation.

I must add however, that the citizens of Warwick can be proud of their Policemen and Firefighters They have proven time and time again that they are dedicated to their professions and are always available when needed.

From: City police, fire disability payments top $8M a year

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