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It seems to me that Ms Gina Raimondo started the Pension Reform Act by proclaiming that the COSTA ( cost of living adjustment ), would be suspended for 15 years and now it is up to 19 years- lie number one. She claimed that her heart is breaking because she has to cut the retirees pensions lie number two. A contribution of her salary to the pension fund could lessen her heartache. How can we possibly believe anything that a politician says?Just think how these cuts in the police and firemens pensions will cause many of them who are old and depend on their pensions to buy lifes neccessities pay for their health insurance,buy their life saving drugs, and to live a normal dignified life.Why are the state police and the judges who have pensions of over $100,000 and who could most afford the cuts, suddenly are exempt? Could there possibly be an underlying reason for this favoritism? Is Ms Raimondo worried that some of these judges will have to hear the court cases that will surely end up before them and whom best to have on her side? Does she have her own agenda? Is she seeking the governorship? To the good citizens of Rhode Island I say query, query, query. I know that we are taxed to the hilt but shouldn't we look down other avenues to raise the monies needed to augment and strengthen the state's revenues before cutting pensions that were promised, many under contractual agreements, to those hired.At this point in time I still think that I live in a state where the average worker still has a voice through collective bargaining.

Robert White

Lt. Detective- Warwick Police Dept. (Ret.)


From: What do you think of Raimondo's pension plan?

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