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Mr Nordin's opening paragraph shows his understanding of the country. I will have to put him in the same crowd that G. Soros leads via his well funded propaganda machine. One thing that I find very disturbing, and that throws his comments into the wacko category is his "allowed terrorists to level two iconic New York skyscrapers". How can he make that statement with a straight face? If I go along with that then he must also allow that Obama "allowed an ambassador and 3 security people to be killed". So why no rant against Obama? Then he finishes with the blanket rhetoric "Of course, their policies mean ......". If you want to have a good dialog Mr. Nordin, which is what helps to make this country great, then you must be able to hear folks that want some of the same things you do but seem to not fit into your propaganda induced mindset. The world is many shades of gray, not the black and white you profess in your last paragraph. If you do not want to life here, than please go to Iran, Iraq, Egypt and see how great our country really is and why the silent majority is finally starting to become non-silent.

From: Tired of ‘take back country’ refrain

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