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Marijuana is not a gateway drug.

That theory is based on asking a bunch of crackheads or heroin addicts if they ever smoked marijuana which is like asking an alcoholic that drinks an excessive amount of hard liquor daily if they ever had a beer.

Going on that line of thinking, beer must be a gateway drug which should also be banned because people might move on to harder things.

They don't base it by asking random pot smokers if they do crack or heroin, if so they'd find that it's a very small minority that move on to harder substances, most of which have addictive personalities or other underlying personal issues that would have led them to be addicted to something whether it be hard drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, etc.

That being said, the government does not need more tax dollars to waste.

We are already some of the highest taxed citizens in the country and all we have to show for it is a crumbling infrastructure, no lights on the highways in downtown providence.. failing schools, cities and towns on the brink of bankruptcy.

It's decades of mismanagement, not a revenue issue.

This is more of a personal liberty + freedom issue that our soldiers around the world are fighting for.

America used to be the land of the free, home of the brave.

Now it's looking more like the land of the sheep, home of the slaves.

From: Regulating marijuana would benefit all in RI

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