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This is almost funny. Many of the people attacking Cushman, ( I think the guy has an MBA) have a sixth grade education, but Cushman is all wrong? A city council president who is not only a tax scofflaw, but has the brains of a squirrel, contracts willfully ignoring the Auditor General, their own accountants and actuaries therefore negotiating in bad faith, and average taxpayers are suppose to bailout this mess? Here is how this issue will be solved; Between the population decline, the for sale or for lease signs, the general cost of doing business, it is only a matter of time before the whole thing collapses on itself and ends up in Chapter 9. Meanwhile, the perpetrators will escape to Florida into their already purchased Florida residence, just like during the credit union debacle. Good luck with getting taxes out of what will be left. Merry Christmas.

From: Cushman cites impact of costs to hostile crowd

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