Winter Concert at Johnston High

Posted 12/11/15

“What a great concert!” exclaimed Robert DiMuccio, an assistant principal at Johnston High School, as he talked with several parents during the intermission of last Thursday …

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Winter Concert at Johnston High


“What a great concert!” exclaimed Robert DiMuccio, an assistant principal at Johnston High School, as he talked with several parents during the intermission of last Thursday evening’s Winter Concert. “This is, in a word, spectacular.”

Many of the people who filled the high school auditorium concurred with that statement after listening to more than 150 students sing or play.

Band director Ron Lamoureux and choir director Oliver Reid were pleased with each and every student’s performance during the lively, entertaining, and well-organized night of Christmas music.

“Oliver and I were really pleased with the performances,” Lamoureux said. “They are great kids with tons of energy and talent. They are growing with leaps and bounds leading into the spring performances. We’ll be working to translate that energy into more sound. It is going to be fun.”

Text and photos by Pete Fontaine


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