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“I also think Donald Trump was not a good person, but he was an effective leader.”

Effective leader, Rudman? that's what you think.? Trump's first order of business as president was a huge tax break for his rich buddies that added 7.8 trillion to the deficit. There's not enough room here to point out all the damage he has done to our country, including inciting an insurrection on national TV.

and The mayor is doing a good job? We can't get trash picked up some days and he's allowing the sale of every piece of land that has a tree to be built upon. Have you seen the playground at Oakland Beach? disgraceful.

Rudman is as political as it gets. Disparaging our current president and loving Trump and his cronies.

His messages are sop****ric and juvenile.

Why not use the sign to do some good in our community? Spread a positive message. You could start with an anti-litter campaign, for instance. Maybe an energy conservation message.

I guess a message like that will do nothing for his ego.......

From: If you don’t like what it says, Dr. Rudman can extract it

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