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For clarification I would add this. The ethics disclosure form requires you (the candidate) and any immediate family member to disclose the debts. The mayor did not EVER disclose his debts during his first campaign and only stated "I have had my own business challenges". He never disclosed the fact that he was hand delivered dozens of summons to appear in court to answer his failure to pay his credit card debt. In addition, because his wife is an immediate family member of the household, her debt is his debt and likewise. They had a total of 19 default judgments in a 5 year period totaling $88,000 and also 4 federal IRS liens against their primary residence for working under the table and not paying taxes totaling $33,000. All of this is public information available to anyone. Not the type of fiscal behavior that I am comfortable with.

As of this date, none of their long overdue default judgments have been paid, no minimum payments made, yet the mayor posts pictures that he is having a blast at Disney. What is he thinking? I guess in his mind it is OK to obtain goods and services, not pay for them, and live happily ever after.

From: Speaker supports amending candidates’ financial reporting requirements

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