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Yes, don't listen to the "self proclaimed finance experts. We know who Picozzi is referring to.

Listen to Mayor Picozzi. He has an extensive resume. Lets take a peak at it.

1. High school drop out.

2. Failed siding contractor.

3. 19 credit card default court judgments for failing to pay his credit obligations totaling $88,000.

4. 7 (SEVEN) IRS liens against his home totaling $33,000 for working under the table and failing to pay income taxes.

5. Unable to pay back the $5000 to the city for not realizing that his healthcare copay was not being deducted from his pay check. - His excuse - " I never look at my pay stub".

6. At 63 years of age had to refinance his home to pay off the IRS debt and the city for his healthcare copay.

7. Has a tax delinquency management company paying his property tax payments.

8. And lets not forget, kicked out of the US Marines.

So listen to Mayor Christmas lights, he is The Warwick Financial Guru. As a side bar, looking into the timespan of his $88,000 in credit defaults, as indicated on his Facebook page, was while he was building his charity Christmas light display. To this day, none of the creditors have been paid. Public info.

Umm, one last thing Frankie, municipalities don't file bankruptcy, they enter receivership. Do you know the difference?

From: From city finances to parks, Picozzi fields questions at neighborhood meeting

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