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Paying taxes does not give anyone ownership rights. Having a quit claim executed when you have no legal rights is fraud. The airways are filled with groups that offer to insure the title to property to ensure that this type of thing does not happen.

If they have used the property for the required number of years they might be able to file a claim in Superior Court claiming ownership.

If they have used this property blatantly they should pay taxes on it for all those years!

Mr. Corrente - how would you feel if I paid taxes on your property and had a quit claim issued to me claiming ownership. Don't think you'd think that would be legal

The only way paying taxes on a property starts to give ownership right is via a tax sale followed by Superior Court action,

Who gave them the right to use the property in the first place. Does she have a lease??? Any written documentation???

Councilperson Travis needs to reverse this process and chalk the tax payments up as a gift to the Association. If she was my council person I'd be in her face and not commenting in the Beacon

From: Travis actions ‘legal, ethical’

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