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How John Howell could print this garbage letter from the tax delinquent 2 time political loser Corrente is appalling. This is nothing more than rhetoric with the sole purpose to harass and Howell prints this garbage. The question is why? Is he running interference for the Oakland Beach delinquent Travis and her bust out husband? Has this paper succumbed to being such a once a week rag that he needs this for readership? Anyway you look at this piece it shows that Howell has lost his edge of journalism.

As for Corrente, I guess he still harbors resentment that when he ran for Mayor I discovered and published the official city documents that he was more that 2 years behind in property taxes, that he hadn't paid his mortgage in 2 years, that he was handed several eviction notices to exit his water front house in my neighborhood, that he hadn't paid his utility bills in 2+ years, and eventually was forcibly removed by police while he was squatting in a house that was foreclosed on.

While Corrente will do almost anything to suck up to the 8th grade drop out Travis, she never even attended or made a contribution to his failed campaigns. Laughable.

Corrente can take as many shots at me as he wants and the demented editor of this rag can publish whatever he wants, but the facts are as follows:

Fact - It was Rob Cote that discovered that the Warwick fire Department was stealing from the taxpayers through an illegal "side deal" and contract manipulation totaling $1.6 million.

Fact - It was Rob Cote that discovered Donna Travis had not paid car taxes in over 2 years while anyone else would have not been able to register their car.

Fact - It was Rob Cote that discovered Donna Travis had not paid her property taxes in full at anytime in iver 10 years and was given a "special deal" by Avedisian. Anyone else, much like Corrente, would have had their property go to tax sale.

Fact - It was Rob Cote that did the research to find Mayor Picozzi had 7 IRS liens against his home for failing to pay taxes and working under the table.

Fact - It was Rob Cote that did the fiscal background check on Picozzi to find that he had 17 unsatisfied default judgments against him in the Kent county court totaling $88,000, of which to this date he has never made any of the creditors whole.

Fact - It was Rob Cote that got the official document from the US Military National Records Center indicating that Frank Picozzi got kicked out of the Marines for going AWOL.

Fact - It was Rob Cote who wrote the legislation that became law last month which now requires bust out fiscal delinquents like Picozzi and Travis to have to declare their fiscal dysfunction on the ethics disclosure form.

Fact - Corrente has never done a thing to protect his community from dirt bag politicians like himself.

Fact - It was Rob Cote that unearthed the court transcripts where Corrente told the court he could not pay child support of $10/week because he had no source of income.

Fact - It was Rob Cote that got the documents showing that Corrente had not registered his car or paid taxes on it for several years while he was a squatter and in process of eviction.

Fact - it was Rob Cote whose sole efforts repealed the car taxes in Rhode Island giving back $128 million per year to the taxpayers.

Fact - Rob Cote does not speak on any subject matter until he has official documents in his hand to substantiate what he has to say. Unlike the moron Corrente and the 8th grade drop out scam artist Travis.

Fact - Donna Travis and her bust out scammer husband Bill have 7 unsatisfied court judgements for credit card scams totaling in excess of $40,000, and yes, I have ALL OF THE DOCUMENTS.

Fact - Travis should prepare as the lawsuit is on the way.

And the final fact is Richard Corrente, these court proceedings sum you up

From the court records:

" Further evidence that Plaintifff Corrente believed the order to be inequitable at its issuance is found in past court records from previous court appearances. The computation of Corrente's income has been the central focus of the past nine years of litigation.

Corrente has continually urged in past court appearances before different judges, that the Family Court's method of computing his income is inequitable because the court has not subtracted what he considers to be legitimate business expenses from his gross earnings. Appearing before Justice Michael Forte in the same matter on March 12, 1997, Justice Forte asks Corrente, "What's your annual income?" (Record, 3/12/97, page 12, line 7) Corrente responded , "Under $7000 per year, and I can prove that to you. My gross earnings is (sic) one issue. What I live off is a fraction of that, Yor Honor." (Record, 3/12/97, pg 12, lines 8-11) In the same court appearance, Justice Forte asked Corrente, "I'm asking you what your willing to pay temporarily until I can resolve this. If you're a good father - and I'm sure you're going to stand there and tell me that you are - then you're willing to pay something. How much?" (Record 3/12/97, pg 11, lines 8-13) Corrente responded - " I don't want to set a precedence (sic) Ten dollars a week is about what I can afford." (Record 3/12/97, pg 11, lines 14-16) to clarify Corrente's response, Justice Forte later asked,

The Court - "You're telling me, you can only pay ten dollars a week?"

Mr. Corrente - "Yes sir"

The Court - " You're telling me that on the record?"

Mr. Corrente - "Yes sir, I'll stand by that"

Mr. Watson - There is a W2 form that declares $40,000 in income in 1995

The Court - "What happened to that?"

Mr. Corrente - "Gross earnings, Your Honor, He's neglected to tell you the $25,000 that it cost me to make that, Your Honor."

The Court - " Well, we're going to have to wait. We'll deal with it at the hearing".

Mr. Corrente - "You cant look at gross receipts and consider them earnings, I wish you could."

In a court appearance before Justice Forte on January 28,1997, to determine his income for child support payments, Corrente stated on the record, "He (defendants attorney) does not know what my income is. All he know's is my gross receipts , and he's trying to manipulate this Court into believing that my gross receipts is my income." (Record, 1/28/97, pg 3 lines 22-25)

This small sample of on the record statements demonstrates plaintiff's concern with the court's computation of his income - specifically his contention that certain business and/or personal living expenses should be deducted from his gross earnings. It also shows the amount of money that Corrente believed he could afford to pay for child support: $10.00 per week. Corrente was aware at the time of the issuance of the May 27th court order that the court had not deducted the amounts from his gross earnings that he had wished. He was also aware the court order stated he must pay $223.15 per week for child support payments: $213.15 more than he stated on the record he could afford. It is hard to imagine how this order could ever have been considered "equitable" by Corrente in light of his previous testimony. His statement on the may 27th record confirms this theory. "

From: Time to tell the whole story

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