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Several weeks ago a letter to the editor was published that was written by Richard Corrente. It was full of false accusations and showed Mr. Corrente's ignorance of the first amendment right to free speech. Clearly he hasn't gotten over Mr. Cote exposing his dismal financial situation when he was running for mayor. If you know anything about Rob Cote you would know that he would never say anything without researching the facts. Having attended many city council meetings I can say that it is the city council treats the citizens poorly. They are rude, condescending and clearly don't have our best interests at heart. Thank-god for people like Mr. Cote ! Our city is the laughing stock of the state with local talk show hosts telling it's listeners to never buy a house in Warwick. If Mr. Corrente really cared about our city he wouldn't defend people that have no fiscal responsibility. Thank-god he wasn't elected with his financial track record. I'm really disappointed that this paper continues to publish attacks that are unfounded and not true. It might be time for me to cancel my subscription!

From: Time to tell the whole story

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