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Last Thursday night. I was there at Vets.

About 20 or so 12 year old students sang a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem (and did an amazing job of it). That was the high point. The fact that the 20 or so 12 year old students outnumbered the parents in the audience was disheartening. It's hard to blame them though.The budget presentation was just that, "a presentation". Slides were shown on 2 screens. Then different people read the words on the screen. The whole "presentation" could have been given in the form of a memo, webinar, e-mail, or fax. Lots of impressive 4 and 5-syllable words "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing".

The most important issue, the issue of trust, the biggest problem the School Committee has, continues to be ignored. When I left, I waded through 5 inch deep water to get across the parking lot to my car. I compared it to the reputation of the School Committee, under water. In the 50 plus years that I have visited here, lived here, done business here, owned real estate here, owned a business here, shopped here, and socialized here, I have never seen such distrust. I suggest AGAIN that some brave School Committee member voluntarily offer to have the School Committee audited as a sign (maybe the first sign) of good faith. This is not getting out of hand. That happened years ago. This is now approaching a disaster. Please stop it before it gets worse because you KNOW it isn't getting better on its own. You KNOW it's not.

Happy Easter everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Budget debate may stray from the numbers

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