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Besides the evidence that most of the Global Cooling / Global Warming / Climate Change / Extreme Climate / (insert next self-serving name here) data has been manipulated (NOAA being a proven culprit), the anthropogenic global warming narrative is still being pushed, but with less effect. It seems that the more they're dismissed, the louder they shriek.

The fact is, the Earth is going to continue to get warmer, and the UN's socialist wealth redistribution scheme will do nothing to stop it. The last Ice Age ended approx. 100,000 years ago, and the last Glacial Period ended approx. 10,000 years ago.

It's always funny when the left cries "science!" when it's convenient, but dismisses it and goes for the emotional response 9 times out of 10 (i.e.; gender dismorphia).

From: Rising seas only speculation

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