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Dear Mayor Idiot,
You were forcibly removed from 177 Grand View Ave were you squatted for over 2 years while not paying property taxes, water or sewer taxes. Please define " I SUED MY LENDER AND WON!!! If winning is losing your waterfront home to foreclosure and tax sale, then I guess you won. How do you explain this statement:
"I campaigned for over 700 days in a row to "Cut Taxes - Cut Spending" and spent $40,000+ of my own money on that campaign."
So while you were not making tax payments on the property that you lost, not making car tax payments because you were so flat broke that you had to squat, during that same period you just happened to have $40,000 OF YOUR OWN MONEY, to spend on a political campaign, but you could not even pay your water bill? Is that what you are saying because that is exactly what the official city records show.
So you made a cognitive decision to not pay your taxes, lose your house, so you could run for mayor? Wow, that was a brilliant idea. How'd it work out for you? I pity anyone who you sell a mortgage to. How embarrassing, a mortgage broker and banker who loses his house because of entering into a predatory loan. Real smart guy.
Please explain the inappropriate content below.